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Educational Materials for Physicians and Their Patients

Healthcare professional resources

Click on the links below to access materials on PFO closure for healthcare providers.

PFO Closure: From Rare to Routine (617.21 KB) Clinical Insights on a System Review and Meta-Analysis of PFO Closure or Medical Therapy (73.5 KB) Clinical Insights on the European Position Paper on the Management of Patients with a PFO (59.67 KB) Clinical Insights on the Intaglio Wire Treatment (1526.48 KB)

Patient Resources

Click on the links below to access materials that will help your patients better understand PFO and how closure reduces the risk of having another stroke.

Understanding PFO-associated Stroke and PFO Closure (2790.33 KB)
Procedure Animation
MAT-2002596 v4.0 | Item approved for OUS use only.

Sign up for information on PFO and stroke.

If you or a loved one have a PFO and have experienced a stroke, we have resources you may find helpful.

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