
Frequently Asked Questions

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Is PFO Closure available on the NHS?

Yes, PFO closure was made routinely available to patients on the NHS in 2019 following a clinical commissioning policy1. NICE2 also provide guidelines on PFO closure.

PFO closure is also available through private healthcare.

1. https://www.england.nhs.uk/com...
2. https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ipg472




What is prior authorization and how does it affect me?

Prior authorization is a process many insurance companies require before a procedure. This process helps you and your healthcare provider understand if the procedure will be covered and under what conditions. The process varies, but typically requires a letter from your doctor. In this letter, your doctor will describe the medical necessity of the procedure for you.

Is PFO closure covered by insurance?

If you have insurance through your employer or pay for private insurance, PFO closure is most likely covered. Check your insurance policy for coverage criteria and exclusions. This information can be found on most private insurance company websites.

Abbott recommends prior authorization to ensure a patient meets the criteria for coverage before scheduling the procedures. Your physician will prepare and request a prior authorization on your behalf. Please note that standard Medicare does not require or accept prior authorization requests for procedures.

What if I have a nickel allergy?

Talk to your doctor about allergy testing. Results may show how you would respond to the nitinol wire in the device. If you have a metal allergy, your doctor may do a patch test before deciding if the implant is right for you.

Does the device need to be replaced after a certain amount of time?

No, the Amplatzer Talisman PFO Occluder stays in the heart permanently. Once the device has been implanted, your own heart tissue grows over the device.

What is the Amplatzer Talisman PFO Occluder and what is it made of?

The Amplatzer Talisman PFO Occluder is a device that is implanted in the heart to close a PFO. The device has 2 connected discs that are made from nitinol wire mesh.

How safe is the PFO closure procedure with Amplatzer Talisman PFO Occluder?

More than 180,000 people have received an Amplatzer Talisman PFO Occluder.1 The safety of the device has been proven in several large studies. One study followed patients for a median of 5.9 years.2

  1. Abbott data on file.
  2. Saver JL, Carroll JD, Thaler DE, et al. Long-term outcomes of patent foramen ovale closure or medical therapy after stroke. N Engl J Med. 2017; 377: 1022-32.




  1. Mas J-L, Derumeaux G, Guillon B, et al. Patent foramen ovale closure or anticoagulation vs. antiplatelets after stroke. N Engl J Med. 2017;377:1011-21.
  2. Saver JL, Carroll JD, Thaler DE, et al.Long-term outcomes of patent foramen ovale closure or medical therapy after stroke. N Engl J Med.2017;377:1022-32.
  3. Messé SR, Gronseth GS, Kent DM, et al.Practice Advisory update summary: Patent foramen ovale and secondary stroke prevention. Neurology.2020;94:876-885.







  1. Kent DM, Thaler DE. Is patent foramen ovale a modifiable risk factor for stroke recurrence? Stroke. 2010;41(10 Suppl):S26-30. doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.110.595140.



  • 超音波
  • CATスキャン (CT)
  • 磁気共鳴画像装置 (MRI)
  • 血液検査





Is there an issue with the Amplatzer™ PFO Occluder leaching nickel?

No. The nitinol wires in the Amplatzer™ PFO Occluder are treated with a chemically etched finish, called Intaglio, that is designed to reduce the amount of nickel leached from the device. Intaglio has been tested to show a more than 95% reduction in nickel leaching, compared to PFO devices manufactured with a Black Oxide finish. People with a nickel allergy are not candidates for PFO closure.


卵円孔開存症 (PFO) と診断され、原因不明の虚血性脳梗塞を発症した場合、脳梗塞再発のリスクがあります。PFOを病因とした脳梗塞のリスクを低減するために、医師はPFOオクルーダーによるPFO閉鎖術を勧めるかもしれません。PFOオクルーダは、世界中で何十万人もの患者の治療に使用されており、多くの大規模な臨床研究によってその効果が証明されています1,2

  1. Mas JL, Derumeaux G, Guillon B, et al. Patent foramen ovale closure or anticoagulation vs. antiplatelets after stroke. N Engl J Med. 2017; 377:1011-21.
  2. Saver JL, Carroll JD, Thaler DE, et al.Long-term outcomes of patent foramen ovale closure or medical therapy after stroke. N Engl J Med.2017;377:1022-32.
















  • アスピリン (81~325mg) を毎日服用する
  • クロピドグレル (75mg) を毎日服用する


  • アスピリン (81~325mg) を毎日服用する
  • 医師が処方する追加の薬を服用する


  • 心エコー図検査


  • 定期的に医師の診察を受けてください。
  • 出血、痛み、不快感、健康状態の変化などがある場合は、医師に連絡してください。
  • 安全のため、またオクルーダーの破損を防ぐために:
    • すべての医療関係者に、PFO閉鎖術を受けたことを伝えてください。
    • 医療、歯科、MRI (磁気共鳴画像装置) などの画像診断を受ける前に、インプラントについて相談してください。


  • 長期の抗凝固療法が必要な、心臓、脚、肺の血栓
  • ドレナージ処置が必要な、心筋または心臓を覆う袋の間における血液溜や液体溜
  • 心拍数が不規則および/または心拍数が速い (特に心房細動)
  • 心筋または血管の穿孔
  • 脳梗塞 (大小問わず)
  • 死亡


  • 麻酔に対するアレルギー反応
  • 手術中に心臓を映し出すために使用する、造影剤に対するアレルギー反応
  • 処置中に使用される薬剤に対するアレルギー反応
  • アレルギー性金属反応: ニチノール (ニッケル、チタン)、プラチナ/イリジウム、ステンレス 鋼(クロム、鉄、マンガン、モリブデン、ニッケル)
  • 心拍リズムが不規則
  • 出血
  • オクルーダーに付着する血栓
  • 血栓や空気による血管の閉塞
  • 胸痛
  • 発熱
  • 肺周りに体液が溜まる
  • 頭痛または片頭痛
  • 心臓発作
  • 心臓弁の損傷による弁閉鎖の阻害
  • 高血圧または低血圧
  • PFO閉鎖が不完全
  • 感染症
  • 心臓または血管の損傷
  • 腕や首の下の神経の損傷
  • オクルーダーのPFO内または体の他の部位への移動
  • 臓器や体の一部への突然の血流遮断
  • オクルーダーを除去するための手術または介入
  • 呼吸困難または呼吸不全
Informed decision making

Consideration of PFO closure, including benefits, risks, and alternative treatment options should be discussed with the patient by the neurologist and cardiologist. The patient should understand the immediate and long-term potential benefits and risks of treatment options in order to make an appropriately informed decision that considers their own values and preferences.

Surgical Closure of PFO

For rare patients aged ≤60 years with a cryptogenic embolic-appearing ischemic stroke who have a PFO and no other evident source of stroke despite a comprehensive evaluation who have a concurrent indication for cardiac surgery (eg, indication for valve surgery, or the rare PFO that is not amenable to device closure for technical reasons), surgical closure of PFO via standard or minimally invasive techniques for secondary stroke prevention after cryptogenic stroke may be an alternative to percutaneous PFO closure.

The reported efficacy of surgical closure of a PFO in patients with prior cerebrovascular ischemic events has been variable (8-11], and randomized trials comparing surgical PFO closure with percutaneous closure or with medical therapy have not been performed.

Antithrombotic therapy

For most patients with an embolic-appearing cryptogenic stroke and a PFO who do not have device closure, antithrombotic therapy with antiplatelet agents is recommended by guidelines (3).

Another antithrombic option is anticoagulation. However, recent trials trials that explored anticoagulation treatment for patients with an Embolic Stroke of Unknown Source were negative.(need references). Anticoagulation is indicated for most patients with a cryptogenic ischemic stroke and PFO who have evidence of acute deep venous thrombosis (DVT), pulmonary embolism, other venous thromboembolism (VTE), or a hypercoagulable state.

General measures

Patients with PFO who have an ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA) should be treated with all appropriate risk reduction strategies, most importantly antithrombotic therapy. Other measures include life style modification (diet and exercise), blood pressure reduction, and statins (if indicated).

Who should not have the procedure?

The Amplatzer™ PFO Occluder is not suitable for patients who:

  • Have a tumor or blood clots at the site where the occluder will be placed or in the vessels through which it will be used to reach the heart
  • Have blood vessels too small to allow the delivery system to pass through
  • Have an anatomy in which the occluder would interfere with heart or vascular function
  • Have other types of heart defects
  • Have a heart infection
How will the PFO occluder interact with the outside environment after surgery?

Your PFO occluder will not be affected by household appliances or security systems. There may be an issue with clarity of medical images, such as MRI, which could be slightly reduced because of the wire nitinol braid of the Amplatzer™ PFO Occluder. For this reason, you should inform the imaging technician that you have a PFO occluder.





  • 腫瘍や血栓があり、オクルーダーの送達や装着に支障がある
  • 血管が細く、オクルーダーの送達が困難
  • 心臓、血管、心臓弁などの体内器官で、必要な装置のサイズの装着に支障をきたす
  • その他の心臓疾患


Does the wire in the Amplatzer™ PFO Occluder leach nickel?

Although Amplatzer™ products have always met the standards for nickel leaching, in 2014 those standards were improved through the use of Intaglio wire treatment on all Amplatzer™ PFO Occluders. The Intaglio wire treatment reduces the amount of nickel that may be leached by more than 95% depending on the model.



What risks are associated with the procedure?
Mauris eu ex non dui tristique posuere in id justo. Aenean auctor vel metus vitae efficitur. Curabitur vehicula, nisl ut pulvinar feugiat, velit eros lacinia ante, a consequat eros leo sit amet elit. Proin cursus lorem leo, vel elementum tellus suscipit vitae.
  1. Abbott Data on File.
MAT-2002552 v2.0 | Item approved for U.S. use only.

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